October 29, 2013

November is the Month for creativity

Most know November is National Novel Writing Month(NaNoWriMo). What most don't know, except a relatively small band of writers and illustrators,  NaNoWriMo has spun off two other writing/art challenges for the month of November; PiBoIdMo(Picture Book Idea Month)

Now, I was never really interested in NaNoWriMo. Not that there is anything wrong with the people that do participate. I think anyone that can churn out a first draft of a novel in one month is a rock star. The reason that I wasn't interested in NaNoWriMo is I'm a visual person. I like to tell stories, not with words, but with pictures. 

So, When I had heard about PiBoIdMo last year after it had finished I vowed I would participate in 2013 so that by the end of November 2013 I would have 30+ awesome picture book ideas that I could develop into manuscripts and then work into dummies(Maybe during 12x12 2014?). 

It was by sheer luck that I heard about SkADaMo this year before it ran thanks to my friend Kelli Thrasher-Brooks  of Sage & Grace :: Design Studio. Since I already try to a warm up sketch first thing every morning SkADaMo adds a nice additional layer of accountability to post those sketches to my blog every day at least for the month of November.

In addition to the daily sketch postings I would like to blog about creativity, and idea generation. These will basically be reporting on the tips and tricks I've weaned from the guest bloggers at Tara Lazar's  PiBoIdMo, past and present, and how they worked for me; as well as some tricks and tips I've picked up and developed on my own. This will be my first real attempt at serious blogging chronicling my experiences with PiBoIdMo and SkADaMo.

I hope you'll follow with me, I would really like to follow you too if you choose to participate in any or all  of the challenges for the month of November. Stay tuned, November should prove to be a very productive/creative month.  

If you don't already Like me on Facebook, Follow me on Twitter, on Pinterest and Instagram. I would love to follow and like you back so we can share our NaNoWriMo, PiBoIdMo or SkADaMo experiences. And if you have a moment stop by my portfolio.

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